#53: Down Syndrome is Beautiful with Jaime Harman

LezBeMommies Radio | Lesbian Parenting show

Summary: What's it like to raise a special needs child, specifically one with down syndrome? I know many of us have fear of that diagnosis during pregnancy, but is it something to fear or something to celebrate? Jaime Harman, a single lesbian mom is on the show to share her experience being a parent to beautiful Jaiden, a four year old born with down syndrome to Jaime and her ex.  Jaime has joint custody of Jaiden and shares their journey with the most adorable photos on Instagram (check her out at @jaisquared).  Read Jaime's interview on the Promote Love Movement at http://promotelovemovement.com/2015/07/downsyndromepromotelove/. Check out LezBeMommies Radio online at www.lezbemommies.com.