Wyrd Ways Rock Show CCCXLVII

The Wyrd Ways Rock Show show

Summary: We’ve made it. This is the first Wyrd Ways Rock Show of 2017. By tradition, that means this show is the first of the reviews of 2016, commonly known as The Wyrd Ways Rock Show Behemoth. Why “behemoth”? Take a look at the playlist on The Wyrd Ways Rock Show website (www.wyrdwaysrs.com). Go on. I’ll still be here when you get back. I’ve got a cracker lined up for you, and I don’t want you to miss it. Back now? You see? That’s why! That many songs means nearly seven hours of music. Yes, seven. OK, 2016 may have been a bad year thanks to the likes of Brexit, Trump, Team Rock and several other things, including the passing of Carrie Fisher, but at least the Metal was good. What are you waiting for? There’s the download link for you to click on! Incidentally, you can also stream us on Soundcloud, Mixcloud and the TuneIn radio app. Just go to their homepages and search for The Wyrd Ways Rock Show. Same applies if you want to follow us on Facebook, Reverbnation, Twitter or Instagram.