A Story of Courage in the Holocaust with Author, Marty Brounstein

America Meditating Radio Show w/ Sister Jenna show

Summary: Author Marty Brounstein joins Sister Jenna to bring us a true interfaith story of courage, compassion, and rescue. It is conveyed through his book Two Among the Righteous Few:  A Story of Courage in the Holocaust. Marty has been on quite a journey now into his 6th year of sharing this special story in a wide variety of venues and cities. Marty previously ran a management consulting firm, for 25 years helping clients with issues of leadership and organizational effectiveness. Through this work, he wrote eight books related to business management, from contributing author to sole author.  His 9th book, which we will discuss today, is quite different and special.  It has brought Marty back to his early career when he was an educator who taught history, including the Holocaust. Marty also has a meaningful personal connection to the story and its heroes. Visit www.martyabrounstein.com. Get the Off the Grid Into the Heart CD by Sister Jenna.  Like America Meditating & on Twitter.  Download Pause for Peace App for Apple or Android.