C-Realm Radio 023

C-Realm Podcast show

Summary: Since the election of Donald Trump, we've heard the word "fascist" being thrown around rather freely. Does the shoe fit? <a href="http://c-realm.com/?feed-stats-url=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g%2Fdj0td0p1UW82clQ5VQ%3D%3D&amp;feed-stats-url-post-id=12032" target="_blank">The Angry Animator</a>, Dermot O'Connor, joins KMO in the C-Realm to pin down the meaning of the word to see how it applicable it really is to the current state of affairs in the USA. The topic of the alt.right works its way into the mix, and KMO explains why <a href="http://c-realm.com/?feed-stats-url=aHR0cDovL3NsYXRlc3RhcmNvZGV4LmNvbS8yMDE0LzA5LzMwL2ktY2FuLXRvbGVyYXRlLWFueXRoaW5nLWV4Y2VwdC10aGUtb3V0Z3JvdXAv&amp;feed-stats-url-post-id=12032" target="_blank">he is more critical of the Blue tribe than the Red</a>, even though he feels more at home and at east among the Blue tribe.<br> <br> <br>