C-Realm Radio 024

C-Realm Podcast show

Summary: Ben McCleish joins KMO and Silas in the C-Realm to summarize and discuss the first two chapters of Ted Kaczynski's new book <a href="http://c-realm.com/?feed-stats-url=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZHJlYWRzLmNvbS9ib29rL3Nob3cvMzEyODAwMzItYW50aS10ZWNoLXJldm9sdXRpb24%3D&amp;feed-stats-url-post-id=12038" target="_blank">Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How</a>. This discussion mostly focuses on the why. Kaczynski may be a murderer, but he is no misanthrope. His aim is to defend human freedom and save all life on Earth from the relentless maw of the techno-industrial system. He thinks that the techno-sphere will render the planet uninhabitable by complex organisms and that reform and rational guidance are impossible. Only an anti-tech revolution stands any chance of preserving a life-sustaining planet.<br> <br> <br>