Google SERPs : Right Hand Side Ads Being Removed

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Summary: Google SERPS  is removing all Right Hand Side Ads on SERPs worldwide as ads will now only show ads at the top and bottom of the SERP. Although it may increase the number of ads from three to four if the search query is “highly commercial.” Plus, Which US sites gained the highest Google visibility in 2015? Google’s Review Stars Rich Snippets Continue to Drop in Search Results as Google began to drop the number of review stars in the search results significantly. The first day we saw a drop by 14.5%, with another 12% drop the next day. Every day since then, Google has continued to reduce the visibility of review stars. Also, App Indexing and The New Frontier Of SEO: App Packs and App Store Search as Chris Boggs and Frank Watson discuss how to rank apps in Google search results, as well as in Google Play and the iTunes App Store.