The Tax Justice Network’s January 2015 podcast

Truth About Markets – London – Max Keiser show

Summary: Offshore vs football in the January 2015 Taxcast: how offshore is ruining the 'Beautiful Game' – the Taxcast scrutinises football's own goal. Also: how banks with criminal convictions are being allowed to continue to handle your money, how people may be allowed to apply for anonymity in the UK's new register of beneficial owners of companies to be introduced in 2016, and the meeting of the world's most powerful in that bastion of transparency, Davos, Switzerland. Plus more scandal and unique analysis. “if we're shifting competition away from the athleticism, the skill, the talent of the players and into the skill and talent of accountants, lawyers, bankers and board room executives, then the sport becomes a pointless thing to go and watch.' George Turner Featuring: John Christensen of the Tax Justice Network, George Turner of @theoffshoregame and Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK. Produced and presented by @Naomi_Fowler for the Tax Justice Network The Tax Justice Network's Taxcast is also available on iTunes