48: Return, Reflect, Re-integrate

C-Realm Podcast show

Summary: Back from the shamanism conference in Iquitos, KMO relects on his experiences with C-Realm listener, Pio, who journeyed with him, and gives a rundown of the other podcasts that feature prominently in his consciousness at the moment. Links: Agony Column Podcast interview with Charles Stross: Economic influences, space opera, gender swapping, Victorian Work ethics Secrets, Cubes and Corporations: Doug Rushkoff on Inside Scoop David Brin on Evaluating Horizons: The kind of political stuff that's in my head but which I keep out of the podcast. Viking Youth #75: Ibrahim for Citizen Psychonautica011: Ego Death Iboga links from Kevin: Ibogaine.org Demitri on Ibogaine with Paul DeRienzo Plus one more that showed up in my inbox today from Google: A Home for Ibogaine in Barcelona Download "Calling All Cars" (mp3) from "Big Black Hole And The Little Baby Star" by Sean Hayes Sean Hayes Stream from Rhapsody More On This Album Javier Arévalo Shahuano's bio (Translated with Bablefish): I was born in the community Progress again, Napo River, in the department of Loreto - Peru; I am I complete of 4 generations of the Shahuano Family that practice the shamanismo, in my adolescence (17 years) I realized that the chamanismo would be my future. To the 20 years I underwent the lost one of my father (Julio Arevalo) because of virote (dart poisoned in the spiritual world) sent by a jealous and malevolent wizard in my community. Learning the Shamanismo Comence' my learning of 2 years in the virgin tropical forest, without having no contact with the outer world, having like teacher my Grandfathers (Antonio Shahuano, by who I began to know the properties curativas the plants, during the learning of the shamanismo is necessary to make a very strict diet on the daily feeding of a person, by who it could not eat foods that contain condimentos, sugar and salt, nor either frituras, to only fed me on which the forest provided to me, those were the conditions to get to be a good vegetalista doctor (they shaman). During my study in the forest the spirits of the plants and the animals made me include/understand that the shamanismo was not to make badly other people but to make the good and to cure diseases using the traditional medicine. Javier Arevalo Shahuano Here's the original Spanish. Obviously, the machine translation remains pretty rough. If anyone wanted to clean it up and send me the polished English text, I'd be much obliged and would certainly provide props and a link. Javier Arevalo Shahuano, nací en la comunidad de Nuevo Progreso, Río Napo, en el departamento de Loreto – Perú; soy el ultimo de 4 generaciones de la Familia Shahuano que practican el shamanismo, en mi adolescencia (17 años) me di cuenta que el chamanismo sería mi futuro. A los 20 años sufrí la perdida de mi padre (Julio Arévalo) a causa de un virote (dardo envenenado en el mundo espiritual) enviado por un brujo celoso y malévolo en mi comunidad. Aprendiendo el Shamanismo Comencé mi aprendizaje de 2 años en la selva tropical virgen, sin tener ningún contacto con el mundo exterior, teniendo como maestro a mi Abuelo (Antonio Shahuano, por el cual comencé a conocer las propiedades curativas de las plantas, durante el aprendizaje del shamanismo hay que hacer una dieta muy estricta sobre la alimentación cotidiana de una persona, por el cual no podía comer alimentos que contengan condimentos, azúcar y sal, ni tampoco frituras, sólo me alimentaba de lo que la selva me proporcionaba, esas eran las condiciones para llegar a ser un buen médico vegetalista (shaman). Durante mi estudio en la selva los espíritus de las plantas y de los animales me hicieron comprender que el shamanismo no era para hacer el mal a otras personas sino para hacer el bien y curar enfermedades utilizando la medicina tradicional. Javier Arevalo Shahuano