The 4 Pillars of A Truly Epic Existence!

Live Your Epic Life |  show

Summary: Epic Fail, Epic Win, Epic Life! Since the launch of the podcast and my speaking schedule picking up over the past few months I have not written any blog posts.  Sorry about that. This morning though I was contemplating and meditating on what an epic life truly looks like. The word epic gets thrown around a lot these days. Epic Fail videos flood youtube.  It seems like the word "epic" is either in the title or sub-tilte of every movie coming out this summer. And while every one has a "feel" for what this word means it is a very ambiguous term that means a lot of different things, at different times to a lot of different people. What "Epic" means to me So, as I get back into a rhythm of sharing through the written word I thought I would share my heart on what an epic existence truly looks like.  What follows comes from not only personal experience but deep thought, years of observation and researching top performers and highly effective people across many diverse fields and disciplines. It is my conviction that at any given moment we all make a choice as to what kind of life we choose to live. We can live an average life, a defeated life, or we can choose to live an epic life. And the most dominate stories we choose to believe, determines the kind of life we lead! An epic life is a life where one chooses to live their own legend and leave a legacy by practicing the 4 pillars of an epic existence! The 4 Pillars of an epic existence are: Everyday seek to identify and exercise abundance in and through your life. This will lead to an overflow of ideas and opportunities into your life. And when you take action on those ideas and opportunities you will experience wonder, thrill, amazement and adventure. Always find ways to add value to everything you do and to everyone you meet. When you focus on adding value profit, influence, and authority will be added to you as natural by-products. There are no exceptions to this rule. The fruit of this truth is available to all. Don't chase money, create value and money, influence, and authority will begin to chase after you. Pursue health in all areas of life (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). When you are a good steward of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health joy, happiness, contentment, fortitude, and strength become expressions and experiences in and throughout your life. When you pursue health in these four areas your natural charisma will shine and others will be attracted to you because they crave what (who) you naturally are. Be completely present by choosing to DO only ONE thing at a time. When you give up multitasking, and guard your focus your productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness increases and you turbocharge your output causing exponential growth in all of the other benefits above! When we choose to establish these four pillars in our life we can not help but to elevate ourselves to a whole new level and squeeze the most goodness out of life and change the world around us in the process! Now that's epic! Are you in?