Baggage Handlers/Carriers: The effects of carrying emotional baggage into relationships..

Grown Soul and Real Talk show

Summary: GSRT Live Forum Tonights Topics: What do you do to when the person you are in a relatonship with has unresolved emotional issues with their past relationships? How do you resolve your own baggage so that you don't carry it into another or new relationship?   Can you truthfully have a sucessuful marriage WITHOUT SEX? GSRT Member Question: If I’m single and dating – no commitments – am I obligated to let people know I’m sleeping with more than one person? I’m dating several men and not exclusive with any of them, but I'm sleeping regularly with two of them. They know I see other people, and they do the same. Let me say now, we always, always use condoms – safe sex all the way, no exceptions. My sister says I should tell them I’m sleeping with both of them, but to me if I’ve already said single and dating and we aren’t monogamous why do I need to say anything? I’m also having safe sex so I’m not putting anybody at risk. Is it really necessary to have that convo? Open Mic dialogue for Grown Men and Women to share opinions, commentary and Real talk on Real issues. Feel free to call in 646-716-7670