Dogs Sometimes Need Blood Too show

Summary: Unfortunately, dogs sometimes need  a blood transfusion, whether it be from an accident,  an illness, or an inherited disease.  A few of the  common causes of needing blood, or blood components, such as platets or plasma, for a dog include autoimmune diseases, heat stroke, parvo, diarrhea, or  Von Willebrand disease.  The Rocky Mountain Blood Services is a blood bank that  that provides blood for dogs and cats thoughout the United States.   This video discusses dog 'blood types', what dogs can be donors, and the actual procedure that is involved in giving blood.  What is amazing is all the benefits your dog gets by being a donor. The information contained on this site is for information purposes only, and may not apply to your situation. The author, publisher, distributor and provider provide no warranty for content, accuracy, or any other implied or explicit purpose. Neither the Publisher, Author, Distributor, nor Provider shall be liable for any damages, or financial loss, resulting from use of this information. This information is not intended as a substitute for veterinarian advice, advice from a professional dog trainer, or other other professional advice. Information provided is subjective. Keep this in mind when reviewing this information.