Secrets of Entrepreneurs from JJ Ramberg of MSNBC’s “Your Business”

Her Next Step with Business Coach Darlene Cary show

Summary: Episode 9: Listen in as I interview JJ Ramberg, host of the MSNBC show "Your Business", and author of the new book: It's Your Business: 183 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business  Concepts discussed: Why Start with "Your Why" Creating Your "Compelling Message" Advantage of Giving People Specific Ways to Help You Establishing Healthy Time Boundaries in the Age of "Unlimited Access" The Package that Begs to be Opened How to Contribute to the Trend of Social Entrepreneurship Link to TED Talk Simon Sinek Book JJ recommends: Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek Enjoy the music I've added to the first few seconds of the podcast, and at the end. What tip do you have for other entrepreneurs?  Let us know in the comments!