How Our Brain-Stories Can Run Our Lives

The Bookcast show

Summary: Who’s telling the story of your life, you or your brain? Searching for reasons her promising life had crumbled into obsessive thoughts and deep depression, Karen Lawrence uncovered an enigmatic past filled with deception, religious fanaticism and abuse. Now in her book “What My Heart Saw,” Karen merges fragments of childhood memory, current scientific research and insights gleaned from practicing produce a deeply personal account of how our brain-stories can run our lives without our conscious awareness. Her persistent belief that she was not, in fact, doomed to a life of coping with mental illness is a poignant example of what science now knows — yes, we can change our stories, and yes, we can heal our brains. More below the media player. Listen to Karen Lawrence The Indie Author Life What was the turning point for Karen Lawrence, in her desperate quest for answers about her memory, her past? On a page on her website, Karen writes: Years of emotional but unproductive excavation began to take a turn in 2007 when Karen visits family and attends her 30th high school reunion. Listening to an intuitive prompt that arises while practicing mindfulness, Karen rediscovers a journal written in her [...]Similar Posts:Forced To Grow Up (Finally)The Astonishing Power – In An Old SuitcaseA Stunning Story of Two Women and the Bond They ForgeA Child Learns to Pay It ForwardGreek Myth Brought to New Life The post How Our Brain-Stories Can Run Our Lives appeared first on The Bookcast.