Are we all TRY-sexuals now? Are we trying or open to too much sexually?

Grown Soul and Real Talk show

Summary: GSRT Live Forum Has societies sexual expectations changed our views on relationships, dating and marriage?   Is the increased openness to sex and different forms of sexuality in society a good thing? What has it gotten us and where will it lead us?   With all the people jumping in and out of relationships, sharing men, sharing women, the increased homosexuality, gay marriage, bi-sexuality, and the decline of what marriage was once viewed as in society; have all these things changed the way people view/get in to/get out of relationships?   Sitting in on the discussion with us will be Paco-Michelle Atwood author, poet and mixed media producer. We will discuss her new mixed project See..Hear..Feel…Touch Mature Talk for Mature Times, this is an open dialogue for Men and Women of all ages, open communication and straight forward talk. Kimberly Marie, Mikial and GSRT forum members discuss topics post on the forum the past week.