the blue elephant show. Mormonism is an option.

Blue Elephant Show show

Summary: Politics from a libertarian conservative point of view. I was on Tessler's BTR show socialism is not an option. I had to defend my faith. Thank You Willard? I will talk about what was said on tesslers show. I will talk about Comrade Obama's Crazy thoughts on Gas Prices, I will talk about Glenn Becks 1 hr interview with Rick Santorum. I will also talk about a conversation I had with my father in law in which after the word Capitalism I got in a fight with him. Why to some is capitalism a bad word, and does cronie capitalism have to do with this thought? How will we get people who have turned to the right of the political from the left to embrace Capitalism? also this is the inageural run of political breather a segment with my favorite things Video Games, Technology, and Anime.