27th Episode of GreenNews4U

GreenNews4U On Demand show

Summary: Problems and Solutions with E-waste In this edition I will be talking about e-waste in other words electronic recycling. Electronic recycling is in its infancy stages. So many components are being used to extend the life (battery life) of electronic products that it becomes a challenge on the recycling end. It seems there are very few laws on e-waste that the black market is thriving and in the process eco systems and human lives are being destroyed. Just watch the documentary GHANA: DIGITAL DUMPING GROUND. It's so easy to focus on the negatives on e-waste so let's begin to focus on âchangeâ and the positive things taking place to correct this problem. To do this my special guest is Steve Skurnac who is the North American President with Sims Recycling Solutions. http://www.archive.org/download/27thEpisodeOfGreennews4u/27thEpisodeOfGreennews4u.mp3