Synthetic Drugs of Abuse Update and Episode 202

Nursing Show Podcast show

Summary: The Nursing Show is a proud member of the ProMed Podcast Network ( Subscribe to the Podcast MP3 Audio Version ( ( | ( (zune://subscribe/?Nursing%20Show= | ( ( —- Subscribe to the Podcast Studio Video Version ( ( | ( (zune://subscribe/?Nursing%20Show= | ( ( News— Inactivity as Bad as Smoking ( Work Related Injuries and Nurses ( YouTube Videos and Portrayal of Nurses ( ———————————– Tip This Week- Synthetic Drugs of Abuse Lisa Booze from the Maryland Poison Center ( joins us again with a segment on synthetic drugs. Lisa reports on several different classes of synthetic drugs of abuse including synthetic marijuana products are often sold as herbal incense under brands such as K2, Spice, Mr. Nice Guy, and many others. ( also brings us an update on “Bath salts," the disguise given to products that contain synthetic drugs sold for their stimulant effect. They are not the same as the bath salts you buy in a store for your bath. Just like the synthetic marijuana products, they are sold over the internet, in head shops and other small stores. In addition to older synthetics, Lisa reports on 2 C-E, bromo dragonfly, and Methoxetamine. 2 C-E is a synthetic drug that is usually snorted to produce hallucinations; the effects are similar to LSD. It also has stimulant-like effects: tachycardia, agitation, hyperthermia, seizures and death can occur. Bromo-dragonfly or just "dragonfly" is a synthetic drug that has been used in Europe but seems to have made its way across the ocean to the U.S. It is a potent hallucinogen with a long duration of action. Seizures, as well as intense vasoconstriction and limb ischemia. Methoxetamine is also relatively new with only a few cases reported in the literature. The drug is similar to Ketamine. More information with be forth coming on this new synthetic drug and others like it. New synthetics are being created all of the time, faster than the laws can keep up with them. There is a Federal Analog Act that focuses on drugs that are only slightly changed from an illegal form but many synthetics don't meet the strict requirements of the law. You can find more video segments like this one at http://NursingShow.TV ( ——— Sponsors Thanks to bandwidth sponsor, the Largest online community for nurses ( Continue the discussions there! and ( all of the tools student nurses need for less than $1 a day. Audio and video study aids plus a whole lot more! More than 200 files and counting! Join Us Now (! ————————– Don’t miss an episode! You can receive the Nursing Show Newsletter ( in your email inbox. ( Other Podcasts from Jamie Davis: * The MedicCast ( (for EMTs, Paramedics,