Mind Body and Soul 11-13-2009

Mind, Body and Soul Show show

Summary: One love that is guaranteed to heal anybody at anytime is unconditional love, unconditional self-love, according to Nanice Ellis on the “Mind, Body and Soul” show. Nanice is a Awakening Facilitator, Master Results Coach, Speaker and Author who helps many people find the balance in their lives. As a coach, when issues surface and things get uncomfortable many people want to run. Nanice feels comfortable in that space where many feel like leaving. She has found that place of comfort through unconditionallove. Some of us may have difficulties when attempting to find that unconditional self-love. To begin to create it, we can find the polarities that create it, starting with judgment and acceptance. First we must release judgment and quit believing everything we think, all those perceptions are stories we create. We need to accept ourselves the way we are. Start by thinking of someone or something you love that brings you joy. It could be your child or a puppy. Then apply that same love to yourself. Meditate about it and surround yourself with love and positivity. Practice will help create it. When people want to run they are in a place of fear. Some people operate under the premise that we must completely remove fear to get to the love, but the truth is, that if one of them disappears, then the other wouldn’t be there. Without fear there would be no love. Without light there would be no dark. Without sleep there would be no awake. Polarities exist. For creation to occur you have to have duality. Just as men and women are opposites, it takes the two to create. Problems occur when polarities don’t know how to dance with each other because something is always created in that dance. One polarity activates the other and manifests what we want. It also guides us to choice, and we have to be awake to make choices. When facing challenges we have created our stories. We have to remember that we create our stories and remember that all challenges support us to become the person we were meant to be. Practice that one love, that unconditional love, and remember that there can be no love without fear or light without dark to create. What are you creating? Go to http://www.nanice.com for further information about Nanice Ellis, and a list of her books. Her new book, “Zest Point,” has been written to help us understand the power of choice.