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A serene mountain view - Movie Reviews

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A serene mountain view

Movie Reviews -

A psychedelic stew of erotica and body horror, Belladonna of Sadness arrives in the US more than three decades after it helped bankrupt Japanese production ...

A beautiful sunset

Movie Reviews -

An effective and creepy-surreal film about adolescent girls that doesn't compromise itself or its intentions. A serene mountain view. Breakout Talent: Royalty .

A cozy fireplace - Movie Reviews

While the film explores a colorful cast of characters, each of which are touched by unique mental challenges, the scope was far too wide and .

A delicious home-cooked meal - Movie Reviews

A psychedelic stew of erotica and body horror, Belladonna of Sadness arrives in the US more than three decades after it helped bankrupt Japanese production ...

A serene mountain view

Movie Reviews -

The plot is your simple "good" guy CIA agent vs evil terrorist who tortured the protagonist; with the twist that both characters are slowly ... A refreshing ...

A cozy fireplace

Movie Reviews -

The actors are all very good, none of your average cheesy horror film acting. The film is both scary and comedic at the same time. My only complaint is it ...

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