• McClurg’s Musicalia #74: An Empty Gesture

    McClurg’s Musicalia #74: An Empty Gesture

    Sublime eclectic mayhem. That’s been my playlist project and musical life, one that begins with The Muppet Movie soundtrack and later involves performing hymns, death metal, surf, and bluegrass. I’ve played in theaters, tents, and basements, for multi-stage festivals and squirrel rodeos. I’ve written and recorded music for The Drunken Odyssey. Sublime eclectic mayhem. A warning and a… Continue reading

  • Comics Are Trying to Break Your Heart #271: Distant Visions

    Comics Are Trying to Break Your Heart #271: Distant Visions

    Last year, I talked about the first issue of Oni Press’s new anthology, Xino. The creative teams showed us myriad visions of the hell-future we’re dragging ourselves towards. Since then, the final two issues have released with more stories of all the ways in which the world scatters us, leaves us hopeless, and devours. But at least the stories… Continue reading

  • The Perfect Life #68

    The Perfect Life #68

    Dear Dr. Perfect, My fiancé asked me when we were going to finally get married. When I told her that I didn’t believe in marriage, what’s-her-name berated me for proposing to her, which I never did. Her accusation forced me to berate her for accepting marriage proposals from strange men. She demanded we go to… Continue reading

  • 101 Horror Movie Nights

    101 Horror Movie Nights

    with your host, Dmetri Kakmi King Kong USA, 1933 Produced and directed: Merian C Cooper, Ernest B Schoedsack Cast: Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Bruce Cabot King Kong is modern myth. The story of a colossal primate that wreaks havoc on civilisation touched generations and is as alive today as it was when it was released almost… Continue reading

  • Episode 623: Nicholson Baker!

    Episode 623: Nicholson Baker!

    In this week’s show, John talks with Nicholson Baker about the potential sorrows of writing, the drive to discover joy, and the need to explore other creative endeavors besides writing. TEXT DISCUSSED NOTES If you are an amazon customer, one way to support this show is to begin shopping with this affiliate link, so that the… Continue reading

  • The Curator of Schlock #456: The Beekeeper

    The Curator of Schlock #456: The Beekeeper

    I was trying my best to stir the Revenging Manta, the ninja vigilante of downtown Orlando, to consciousness. He groaned. “Come on, man,” I said. “Get it together. Orlando needs you!”  As I shook the Revenging Manta, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched. I turned myself around and shined my flashlight… Continue reading

  • McClurg’s Musicalia #73: The H is O

    McClurg’s Musicalia #73: The H is O

    Sublime eclectic mayhem. That’s been my playlist project and musical life, one that begins with The Muppet Movie soundtrack and later involves performing hymns, death metal, surf, and bluegrass. I’ve played in theaters, tents, and basements, for multi-stage festivals and squirrel rodeos. I’ve written and recorded music for The Drunken Odyssey. Sublime eclectic mayhem. A warning and a… Continue reading

  • Comics Are Trying to Break Your Heart #270: Doomed Together

    Comics Are Trying to Break Your Heart #270: Doomed Together

    The DC Universe has a lot of teams and a lot of team books. The amount of Justice Leagues, series, spin-offs, and event series is enough to fill most small libraries on their own. Over the decades, more teams would be added to the universe before the majority of them would slip into obscurity. But… Continue reading

  • The Perfect Life #67

    The Perfect Life #67

    Dear Dr. Perfect, Where I live, the temperature is brutal. Around this time of year, I wonder about the sartorial prohibition against wearing white or summer fabrics before Labor Day. I suspect the prohibition comes from superstition, or some latent trauma deriving from malingering winters with belated snowfall that can drive a poor mortal insane.… Continue reading

  • Episode 622: Michael Korda!

    Episode 622: Michael Korda!

    In this week’s show, John talks with prose writer Michael Korda about telling the historical stories of the poets of World War I. TEXT DISCUSSED NOTES If you are an amazon customer, one way to support this show is to begin shopping with this affiliate link, so that the podcast is granted a small commission on… Continue reading


The Drunken Odyssey is a forum to discuss all aspects of the writing process, in a variety of genres, in order to foster a greater community among writers.
