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The Scoop on Gluten vs. Gluten-Free Bread

Soft, doughy, light-hearted bread. Once just an innocent member of the food family that graced most of our plates every day. Bread used to conjure up religious, traditional and symbolic connotations. Today?…

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Youth v. Gov – Official Trailer
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Wilder Than Wild – Official Trailer
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Chasing Ice – Official Trailer
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Guardian – Official Trailer
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The Harvest – Official Trailer
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The Last Italian Cowboys – Official Trailer
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Not Without Us – Official Trailer
The Scoop on Gluten vs. Gluten-Free Bread

Soft, doughy, light-hearted bread. Once just an innocent member of the food family that graced most of our plates every day. Bread used to conjure up religious, traditional and symbolic connotations. Today? Bread = bad. Bread = destroyer of all…

Eat These Foods to Maintain a Healthy Pancreas

How to Maintain a Healthy Pancreas A healthy pancreas provides assistance to the liver by releasing insulin for glucose absorption. Depending on the individual’s needs, the proper level of blood sugar level may vary and must be monitored. The pancreas…

Personal Growth – How to Create the Best Version of Yourself

Let’s take a look at the human potential. How can we expand from our childhood, what is possible for us as an adult? How can we create a happy and truly fulfilling life for ourselves? In essence, what is the…

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Food Movement Ideals in the World of Creating Eco-Friendly Rum

The History of the Americas and the Industrial Revolution are tightly linked to the rise of sugar cane growing and the many products created from this South Asian native grass. In this century, new methods are being used to create…

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