
Welcome Back, Students!

10 years ago, five friends decided to make a sit-com podcast, which was a thing that didn’t really exist at the time. However, these five friends were that special sort of dumb that lets some people blunder into something if not brilliant at least kinda’ cool. And so The Mohansen High School Radio Podcast was born. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of this semi-psuedo-momentous event, we’re making the podcast available again for all to hear. Once a week, on Saturday, we’ll be posting a “new” old episode. We hope you enjoy!

Mohansen High School Radio Podcast is…

Sean Gallagher as Zhelu Sardoman/Barry Ashenfelter/Halitosis Steve/Roy G. Biv

Brad Grusnick as Luther Lexington/Sherri Sheppard/Troy Blankenship/Coach Fred Symanzski

Eric Rampson as Staniel Reidy/Arnold Welshly/Sludgy Pete/Chad Huston

Teresa Tambolas as Agnes Tesla/Terri Taschner/Doug the Chick/Samantha Frankenbach

and Joe Guetler as The Guy That Put the Whole Thing Together
