Marketing tips for translators - podcast show

Marketing tips for translators - podcast

Summary: Marketing tips for translators is a podcast featuring interviews with successful freelance translators on different marketing tools and strategies, plus solo shows with step by step instructions and tips for a successful freelance career and lifestyle for translators.

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 Episode 147: Toxic Myths That Can Hold Us Back in Our Translation Business – Interview with Jenae Spry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:35

When you see all these successful entrepreneurs and businesses out there, or even other successful translators, we usually can list many factors that can have contributed to the success, factors like education, certification, people or even luck. But we never look at one of the most important factors, their mindset.  In this episode, we discussed about the toxic myths or mindsets that can hold us back. Important things mentioned in this episode: The four most common toxic myths in the translation business How to change our mindset and squash these myths Steps to overcome these myths The steps to overcome those challenges and changing our mindset Important links mentioned in this episode: Success by RX website Success by RX Facebook Group   Webinar replay:   Episode 107: How to Build a Six Figure Freelance Business and Become More Productive How Freelance Translators Can Develop a Success Mindset - Infographic Hate Marketing? How to Stop and Develop a Success Mindset The Wrong Mindset for a Successful Business It is so important that we are focusing on growth and mindset every day. I know from my own experience that my mindset can hold me back. I get stuck in this negative state of mind instead of focusing on how I can grow my business. I also know that I tend to procrastinate if something is taking me out of my comfort zone, which can be a sign that I have fear of success. Do you have a success mindset? I have developed a checklist with some questions to see if you do. These questions will help you focus on your success and growing your business and give you strategies on how to do this. This checklist is completely free and I think you will find it very valuable.

 Episode 146: How to Get Unstuck 3 – Customers Can’t Find You or Never Respond | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:16

Many of us would like our ideal clients to contact us instead of us having to chase them down. But that requires that they can easily find us. So what do we do if our prospects cannot find us or know why they should use our services? That is what I am discussing in this episode. I also discuss what to do if you feel like you are reaching out to prospects, but you never get to a yes, or you never hear back from them. Important things covered in this episode: * How do describe what problems you can solve for your ideal customers * How to establish a brand * Finding out where your customers discuss the problems you can solve, where they hang out * What to do if the prospects you contact never call or email back * How to get to a yes more quickly Links mentioned in this episode: * How to Get Unstuck – 25 Ways to Get your Business Growing Again, by Barry J. Moltz * Episode 008 – Branding for Translators – Interview with Valeria Aliperta * How to Nail Personal Brand SEO EPISODE FREEBIE How to Get Unstuck if Customers Can’t Find You or Never Respond Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots. If you fill this in, you will be marked as a spammer. I'd like to receive the free email course. Give me the checklist You will also get a free checklist every month. We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. Powered by ConvertKit /* Layout */ .ck_form { /* divider image */ background: #fff url(...

 Episode 145: How to Get Unstuck – Daily Tips to Move Your Freelance Business Forward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:51

This is the second episode in the solo-episode series on how to get unstuck in your business. They are inspired by the book How to Get Unstuck – 25 Ways to Get your Business Growing Again, by Barry J. Moltz. In this episode, I am talking about how we let daily emergencies get in the way of moving our business forward, and what we can do about it. I am also talking about how important it is to take breaks. If you are always available, your productivity and quality decreases. I give you tips on what you can do to set boundaries and take brakes. Important things covered in this episode: * How to avoid letting little emergencies get in our way * How to stop multitasking * Done is better than perfect * How to stop being available 24/7 * Taking a break from technology * Building other competitive advantages than availability Links mentioned in this episode and further resources: * Episode 99: Outsourcing for translators – Joint Podcast with Corinne McKay and Eve Bodeux * Episode 60: Work-life Balance, Working Efficiently and Preparing for Time Off * Episode 43: Productivity for Translators – Interview with Konstantin Kisin * Episode 133: Using the Getting Things Done Method – Productivity – Interview with Gabi Nagy I hope you found some valuable things to get unstuck, and not always working in your business, instead of working on it. Remember to take little steps every day to move your business forward. Try not to always be available or let emails or little things dictate your day. Take breaks to recharge your batteries. You deserve it! Here’s to your successful freelance business!

 Episode 144: Cooperation, Not Competition – Interview with Paula Hedley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:38

You might already know that I am a big proponent of collaborating with your "competitors" instead of competing. In this episode, we talked about the benefits of collaborating with other translators. We also share different ways of collaborating, from very independently, to almost a joint-venture. Important things covered in this episode: Creating a joint collaboration venture. Benefits of collaborating with a fellow translator. Fears and doubts that freelance translators have about cooperation. Things you should look for in a cooperation partner. Important links mentioned in this episode: Top Tips for Cooperation Between Translators Trend Translations Trend Translations on Facebook * Standing Up Revision Club It is so true that cooperation is more powerful than competition. I also work with a small team of trusted Swedish translator. We translate or proofread each other’s text to provide the complete package to clients, plus cover for each other when on vacation. How about you? Do you also collaborate with your colleagues? If so, how and when? Share them in the comments section below. Paula and I would love to discuss different ways of collaborating. The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities  

 Episode 143: Is It Better to Work with Agencies or Direct Clients? – Interview with Oleg Semerikov | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

Part of the joy of being a freelancer is being able to choose who we work with. But making the decision ourselves is not always so easy. Is it better to head straight for direct clients? Or are there more benefits to working for translation agencies? In this episode we are discussing the pros and cons of both options. Important things covered in this episode: Main advantages for working with direct clients Drawbacks for working with direct clients Advantages and drawbacks for working with agencies Recommendation about direct clients or agencies Important links mentioned in this episode: Is It Better to Working with Agencies or Direct Clients? Boutique Translation Agencies: The New Generation of Translation Solutions The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Freelance Translator eBook. Apply code "podcast" to get this book a 50% discount. We have shared a lot of great insights in this episode. It is also a personal choice whether a translator wants to work with direct clients or agencies. I know many translators who prefer to work with direct clients. But there are also many translators who doesn't want to deal with direct clients, and are happy working for agencies only. Personally, I prefer a mix, some direct clients and some agencies. What do you listeners think? What do you prefer? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below. memoQ is a translation tool used by tens of thousands of freelance translators, translation companies and enterprises worldwide. Download the free 45-day trial version of memoQ translator pro from, and take advantage of the special promotion memoQ offers for listeners of the Marketing Tips for Translators podcast: save 20% on memoQ translator pro. Go to the show notes of this episode to get the discount code for August. Discount Code: CAM-MTFT20_0911  

 Episode 142: Top Reasons Why Agencies Might Stop Working with You – Interview with Nikki Graham | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:36

The general advice about clients is that you should be seeking new ones all the time because you never know what’s around the corner. Not only should you be looking to replace clients that you are not keen on working for, but you also need new ones to fall back on if you lose some. In this episode, we are going to discuss some reasons why agencies might stop working with you and what to do about it. Important things covered in this episode: * Most common reasons why an agency stops working with a translator * Things we can do if they are not happy with our work * Reasons should we avoid at all cost * Tips to keep the good agencies for the long run Important links mentioned in this episode: * 18 Reasons Why an Agency Might Stop Working with You * 22 More Reasons Why an Agency Might Stop Working with You * Thirteenish Reasons Why You Might Stop Working for an Agency * Fifteen More Reasons Why You Might Stop Working for an Agency Nikki has written quite a few post on this topic. She has also explained why letting some agencies go is a good thing. She also gave some tips that we can do to keep the good agencies working with us. I hope you have found these tips as valuable as I have. Please share your thoughts in the comment section below. The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities.  

 Episode 141: Creating a Practical Step-By-Step Marketing Plan for Your Situation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:20

In this episode I share the last lesson of the three most popular lessons from The Complete Marketing Course for Translators. I give you tips on how to put everything together into a plan and marketing to do list. Once you have created a plan or to-do-list you do not need to wonder what marketing activities you need to do, or when. It is all laid out for you so you can do a little bit every day and focus the rest of the energy on your translation work. Important things covered in this episode: * Choosing marketing activities/tactics * Creating a marketing budget * Creating a marketing schedule Important links mentioned in this episode: * The Complete Marketing Course for Translators * Checklist: Marketing Activities to Choose From If you feel like marketing gets put on the back-burner due to work, or you want someone to help you with what you can do based on your situation to market your translation business, to find more or better clients, then I highly encourage you to join the complete marketing course for translators, starting September 4th. It is completely online, which means that it is location and language independent, you will have forever access to the course material and lots of support from me and fellow course participants. Click on the link above for more information or to join. The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities  

 Episode 140: Strategies for Finding and Contacting Your Ideal Clients – Agencies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:35

This is the second one in the series where I share the audio from three of the most favorite lessons from the Complete Marketing course for Translators, according to the previous participants. In this episode I am talking about how to find and contact your ideal clients. In the course, this lesson is divided into two different sections, one for if you want to find and contact more agencies, and the other for finding and contacting direct clients. This episode is ONLY covering agencies. Important things covered in this episode: * Finding your target niche * Translation portals * Best methods to find and contact good translation agencies * Following up Important links mentioned in this episode: * The Complete Marketing Course for Translators * Checklist: Finding Your Target Niche There are many strategies for finding and contacting your ideal clients. You just have to find the ones that work for you and your current situation and stage in your career as a freelance translator. In the next episode I will share how to put everything together in a practical to-do list for your marketing, a marketing plan. Next session of The Complete Marketing Course starts September 4th. Click on the link above for more information or to join. memoQ is a translation tool used by tens of thousands of freelance translators, translation companies and enterprises worldwide. Download the free 45-day trial version of memoQ translator pro from, and take advantage of the special promotion memoQ offers for listeners of the Marketing Tips for Translators podcast: save 20% on memoQ translator pro. Go to the show notes of this episode to get the discount code for August. Discount Code: CAM-MTFT20_0814 Learn more about this incentive by contacting the memoQ team at

 Episode 139: How to Create a Vision and Smart Goals for Your Translation Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

This episode is the first part in a three part series where I share the three most popular lessons from the Complete Marketing Course. You will get a glimpse into the course, by listening to the audio part. This is one of the foundational lessons, where I share how to create a vision and some smart goals so that you can take your translation business to where you want it to, based on your current situation. Important things covered in this episode: * How to create a vision for where you want to be in your business in 3-5 years * How to create smart goals for your translation business Important links mentioned in this episode: * The Complete Marketing Course for Translators * Checklist: Creating a Vision and SMART Goals Don’t forget to check out the whole course by going to Stay tuned for next episode for another of the 3 favorite lessons from the course. In that episode I will share some strategies for finding and contacting your ideal clients. The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities  

 Episode 138: How to Get Unstuck in Your Translation Business – 1 Build a Business – Not Just a Job | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:31

Are you feeling stuck in your translation business? Perhaps you have been working as a freelance translator for several years, and it is starting to feel just like a job, instead of your own business. Perhaps you feel like you are working too much, and worrying about your income or clients? You might have a short time plan, using only immediate tactics to move the needle forward. If so, you might be stuck treating your freelance translation business like a job, and not like a business. In this episode I am sharing a few strategies or tactics to get unstuck again, to grow your income and your motivation. Important things covered in this episode: * Steps to start building a business and not just a job * Revisiting your vision – why are you doing this? * Defining ideal customers and finding what marketing methods work for you * Defining financial goals and what your profit should be Links to more information: How to Get Unstuck – 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again – By Barry J. Moltz This is a short solo episode. If you have any questions on how to get unstuck or move your business forward, please do not hesitate to contact me. I encourage you to sit down for an hour or 30 minutes and go through these points. The result will be a more focused business, more motivation for you and more income. Best of luck!

 Episode 137: The Complete Marketing Course for Translators – Interview with Graduates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

You might already know that I have an online course for freelance translators. This is a step-by-step marketing course for busy freelance translators that you can adjust to your career situation. After the course you have a strategy for your translation business. You will know how to market your translation services to your ideal clients, based on your market position. In this episode, I interview three people who have completed the course, to see what they thought about the course and how it has helped their business. Important things covered in this episode: * Why they signed up for The Complete Marketing Course for Translators * What the most valuable lesson from the course was * How the course has helped their translation business Useful links mentioned in this episode: * Marijana Tropin: * Valerie Le Deroff: * Rea Gutzwiller: I would like to thank the interviewees for sharing their reviews in this podcast episode. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the course. In summary, it contains 10 practical steps to define and market your translation services according to your position in the translation market and achieve long term, sustainable success, step-by-step instructions and practical exercises, it is completely online, you can take it from anywhere and you have forever access to the material, you get accountability and peer support with weekly check-ins and a personal Q&A with me at the end. There is a special early-bird-price offered. Get $50 off if you sign up before August 1st. For more information, or to sign up, go to The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities.     Collaborative translation platform for companies and freelancers. See what true collaboration looks like here.    

 Episode 136: Moving from Isolated Freelancer to Networked Translator – Interview with Joy Phillips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:27

Part of being successful is to have a good network, a laser focus for your business, and support. But, many of us start out a bit isolated. In this episode, we discuss the process of going from isolated to networked. Important things covered in this episode: * The process of moving from isolated startup translator to a networked professional * The process of developing into a networked translator * Advantages of being more connected * How to develop a laser focus on the subject we have expertise in * How to develop a strong network for our business Useful links mentioned in this episode: * Joy Phillips at Ultramegajoy TEC * The Language Collective * Khan Academy * MIT OpenCourseWare I enjoy discussing how to become a successful translator from all sorts of angles. Joy’s motto is a good one: Embrace iterative improvement as a way of life and partner with trusted colleagues who share your values. Did you enjoy our today's episode? Share your thoughts in the comments below, or share it with a friend. memoQ is a translation tool used by tens of thousands of freelance translators, translation companies and enterprises worldwide.   Argos Multilingual is a global language solutions provider with experience servicing clients in the life sciences, industrial manufacturing and software/hardware industries. We have based our translation services on the “Quality at Source” concept with a focus on building partnerships and providing translation management solutions. In addition, we offer certified translation services, as we are ISO 9001, ISO 17100, EN ISO 13485 and ISO 27001 certified.  

 Episode 135: How to Create a Sustainable Way of Working as a Freelance Translator – Interview with Nigel Saych | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:19

There has been a lot of talk lately about the threat of Google Translate or machine translation, and the downward price pressure in the industry. Many translators feel threatened, and we need to look at the industry with strategic business oriented eyes. In this episode, we discuss how to create a sustainable, fair trade, translation business. Important things covered in this episode: * The current misconceptions in the freelance translation industry * How to apply a fair trade approach to our business * How to be fair to our clients, other translators and ourselves and run a profitable business Useful links mentioned in this episode: * Interlex : * Email: * Workflow System (to check out if you're interested in it): These tips goes for every business that wants to become successful and sustainable, treating ourselves, our colleagues and clients well, and with fairness. Do you agree with this discussion? Are you treating yourselves, your colleagues and clients fairly and focusing on a sustainable business? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. You can also share this episode on your favorite social media tool below. The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities.     Collaborative translation platform for companies and freelancers. See what true collaboration looks like here.    

 Episode 134: How to Respond Constructively to Customer Complaints – Interview with Sherif Abuzid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:09

No matter how good we are at translation, we can’t avoid running into a dissatisfied customer at one time or another. It is part of running a business and providing services. In this episode, we talk about how to handle dissatisfied customers, and how to respond to them in a constructive way. Important things covered in this episode: * Things we should do when we first receive a complaint or negative feedback from a customer. * Tips on how we can respond in a constructive way. * How we can make amends, or make it better for both the customer and ourselves. * Things we can do if a client is still not happy and doesn't want to pay. Useful links mentioned in this episode: * Translation Partner * "Get Clients Now" by C.J. Hayden * Why complaints are important: “A Complaint is a Gift” by Janelle Barlow * “How to Reply to a Negative Feedback about Your Translation” article by Sherif Abuzid It is important to discuss good strategies for handling customer complaints, and how to make the best of a situation with a dissatisfied customer. And the best strategy is of course to avoid them altogether, but it might not always be possible. Have you ever experienced dissatisfied clients or received customer complaints? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. The online platform connecting global business and the language industry. On you will find anything you need to know about industry related events, news, development and opportunities.     Collaborative translation platform for companies and freelancers. See what true collaboration looks like here.    

 Episode 133: Using the Getting Things Done Method – Productivity – Interview with Gabi Nagy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:47

I have received many questions on how to manage our time as a freelancer. It is a hot topic for all small businesses and entrepreneurs. We freelancers need to make sure we are organized and efficient in order to get things done. We do not have a boss that makes sure we are staying on track. In this episode I interview a dear friend and colleague. She has taken a course in the “Getting Things Done Methodology” and here, she is sharing how we can apply it to our freelance translation business. Important things covered in this episode: * Difference between GTD and other productivity methods. * How we can use the GTD method for our freelance businesses. * Steps in the GTD method. * Tools to use for getting things done Important links mentioned in this episode: * Asana - * Wunderlist - * ToDoIst - * GTD - * Gabi Nagy's Facebook Page - * Episode 034: Simple time management tips for translators – Interview with David Rumsey * Episode 035: Work less and do more – Interview with “Get it done guy” Stever Robbins I was not aware that there is a special scientific method for getting things done. We freelancers and solo-entrepreneurs are always eager to become more efficient and productive. I have previously talked about productivity and work life balance in episode 35 – Work less and do more with Stever Robbins, and in episode 34 – Simple time management tips with David Rumsey. Did you enjoy our today's episode, or do you have any tips for getting things done? Share your thoughts in the comments below. memoQ is a translation tool used by tens of thousands of freelance translators, translation companies and enterprises worldwide.   Argos Multilingual is a global language solutions provider with experience servicing clients in the life sciences, industrial manufacturing and software/hardware industries. We have based our translation services on the “Quality at Source” concept with a focus on building partnerships and providing translation management solutions. In addition, we offer certified translation services, as we are ISO 9001, ISO 17100, EN ISO 13485 and ISO 27001 certified.


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