狗熊有话说 show


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  • Artist: 大狗熊
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 212期:对话·多边形的游戏人生 – The gamer’s life of Mr.Polygon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:27

公号:BearBigTalk | 微信:imbeartalk | 微博:@i大狗熊 | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com 游戏核心玩家到底是一群什么样的人?游戏真的处于社会舆论的黑暗面吗?如何向不玩游戏的人解释游戏的魅力?如何评价 2016 年 6 月 30 日「苹果中国区所有游戏需要广电总局审批才可上架」的通知?年青人想进入游戏媒体领域需要什么条件?中国的游戏行业会有什么样的可能性?在这期节目里,国内资深游戏媒体人多边形 @雪猹 作客《狗熊有话说》,和大家分享了他的游戏与生活、工作的故事。抱歉我们并没能解答上述的所有问题,但我们尝试着去思考这些问题,也许你也会有自己的答案。 Hard core gamers, who are they? Does game become the dark side of Chinese social media? How to explain the beauty of game to a person who doesn’t play game? What is the possbility of Chinese game industry? I invited SnowCharles, a serious game jouralist in China to my podcast, and we shared our opinions about game and life. If you play games, you should listen to this episode. 嘉宾简介:多边形,国内资深游戏媒体人,曾13次前往美国E3游戏展进行报道,微博:@雪猹 本期金句: “不应该给游戏玩家贴标签” “游戏玩家很长时间生活在社会偏见里” “兴趣和工作是不能混为一谈的” “多往外走,去看看外面的世界,多去看看游戏之外的世界” “生活是游戏的支柱,而不是相反” 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 211期:岁念·离开家乡前的18天 – 18 days before my departure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:30

公号:BearBigTalk | 微信:imbeartalk | 微博:@i大狗熊 | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com “很多年以后大狗熊回想离开家乡前往异乡之前的那段日子,记忆已经滑进虚无,就像是雨里的眼泪,但出行前的第18天,还有一些模糊的记忆。”如果我在50岁里写回忆录时要回想起自己人生新里程中的一个阶段时,会重新翻出这期节目来听,也许会用前面的这段文字来作为开场吧。 Many years later when Bear try to recall the time before his departure from hometown, the memories are vanished, as the tears in the rain. Luckily, I get an episode before my departure, there’re memories hidden in it, they are about to last. 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 210期:月读·全人类进入富足的时代 – The age of abundance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:41:14

公号:BearBigTalk | 微信:imbeartalk | 微博:@i大狗熊 | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com 很多人现在都喜欢说:这个世界要完蛋了,这个世界不会好了。再过上几十年,地球上的石油资源就基本没了,现在地球上已经有74亿的人口,还有那么多人连温饱问题都没有解决,这个世界会好吗?我认为会,而今天要推荐的这本书的作者,他们也这么认为。本期狗熊月读:彼得·戴曼迪斯和史蒂芬·科特勒的《富足:改变人类未来的4种力量》。 Some people think the world is going down, some people don’t. I think the future is better than you think, let’s talk about these opinions in this episode, it’s about a book: Abundance – The future is better than you think. 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。

 209期:月读·心智褪去时的爱情与生命 – Flowers for Algernon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:33:39

微信:BearBigTalk | 微博:@i大狗熊 | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com 没有人愿意让自己的书错别字别篇,显得像是一个弱智涂写的日志,直到这本完全以“弱智”的视角写的书出现之后,世界上多了一种描写人类心智的方式,也多了一个甜蜜而又忧伤的经典故事。这部小说让我感受到了科幻小说不同寻常的魅力,也对于隐秘而复杂的人类内心世界产生了更多兴趣。当心智像雨中的眼泪一样逝去时,智慧和爱情留下的印记,就像是枯萎的花瓣一样,令人唏嘘不已。本期狗熊月读,我们来聊聊丹尼尔·凯斯的小说《献给阿尔吉侬的花》(Flowers for Algernon)。 When I read the short story, Flowers for Algernon 15 years ago, it made my want to cry. When I read the same novel 1 week ago, it did made me cry. It is a story about intelligence, love, memory and basicly, it’s a story about our life. So, let’s talk about the book, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。

 208期:对话·App 收费就是原罪吗?- Are you guilty if your apps aren’t free? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:29

微信:BearBigTalk | 微博:@i大狗熊 | 邮件:bear@beartalking.com 在科技界都非常关注的 WWDC 2016 开始之前,大狗熊请到了人气微博客户端 墨客 和专业级图片批注工具 Annotable 的独立开发者王凌来到《狗熊有话说》,我们来聊聊 WWDC 的动向和独立开发那些事儿。在这期节目中,一位极专业的开发者(当然是王凌)和一位伪开发者(当然是狗熊)共同愉快地吐槽了苹果、新浪微博和一言不合就打一星的熊孩子用户们(感觉这期节目把不该得罪的人都得罪了)。 WWDC is about to begin, are you looking forward to some new stuff? …Or not. WangLing(@an00na), the developer of Moke and Annotable, joined us in this episode and shared some of his opinions about apple, developer and users. So, let’s talk about iOS developing from developer’s perspective, shall we? 本期金句: “对于 WWDC 最大的期望,就是苹果别再出新东西了” “被苹果 Feature 其实是好事也是坏事” “苹果现在一些方面不但不是最好,还没有其他家的好” “规避泛形通用类的应用开发是独立开发者几乎必须的选择” “App 只要收费就是原罪” “独立开发者有点儿像是股票市场里的散户” 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 207期:对话·一座小城市的雄心 – The great souls of a small city | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:28

在5月份的《芭莎艺术》杂志上,出现了大狗熊的身影。这期杂志的一个重磅策划,是关于昆明的主题:在这里找到一万零一种活法。其实原本这个策划的主题,是“一座小城市的雄心”。昆明是一座安逸的城市,但这种安逸是礼物还是诅咒?这个问题也是本期节目封面的灵感。纸质杂志是稀缺内容的艺术,在有限的篇幅背后,还有什么有趣的故事没有被讲述?本期对话的嘉宾,是来自《芭莎艺术》杂志的副主编朱昕苗同学。科技直男和时尚女魔头会碰撞出什么样的有趣观点和故事?听完本期节目你就知道啦! BAZAAR ART, the professional art magazine reported me in the May’s episode. But I don’t want to talk about my interview in my podcast, I would like to talk about the stories behind the report, and I think the other people’s stories and opinions are more interesting. So let’s talk about art, Kunming city, fashion with expert! 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk. 本期金句: “书是穷人最好的收藏品” “十年前的时尚杂志在制造欲望,如今的时尚杂志立志于输出智识” “把时尚这个词留给女人吧,这个词不是给你们直男用的!” 嘉宾介绍:朱昕苗,1987年出生于云南昆明。《芭莎艺术》杂志副主编,策展人。6年来通过媒体将中国当代艺术家、设计师、建筑师推上了国际舞台,曾策划展览 《艺术是我最好的名字》《陈漫摄影10年回顾展》等项目。邀请著名设计师Paul Smith,Dolce&Gabbana,DVF,Donna Karen等人,第一次为中国媒体独家创作了艺术作品。个人公众号:artandfashion | 新浪微博:猪甜甜 | Instagram: tingtingzhu613 | Email: tingting_zhu613@126.com 嘉宾推荐: Artcy – 艺术展资讯类 app 艺术云图 – 艺术知识类 app Magnus – 扫描艺术作品获得相应信息的 AR 类 app

 206期:岁念·生活可以不一样 – Life could be different | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:19:47

我在想为什么我会喜欢每个月制作一期没有什么干货,只是回复留言的节目呢?可能是因为制作封面时,岁念是可以没有什么限制,想做多飞就做多飞?可能是因为我本身性格上的啰嗦和话痨?但我觉得,真正的原因,可能是我们需要互相陪伴,有的时候听一些有主题有内容有观点的节目很不错,但也有很多时候,我们知道别人也有琐碎、焦虑和快乐的生活,也挺好。就像这期节目的标题,来自于一位匈牙利听友的来信,生活可以不一样。 I’m wondering why I enjoy theme-less episode every month, but I still couldn’t find the answer. Sometimes life doesn’t need a theme for you, you just need to know life could be different, that’s all. 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 205期:月读·把时间当作朋友 – Make friend with time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:37:37

我们有时把时间当下属,所以有无数的时间管理的书籍;我们也经常把时间当做敌人,抱怨它给我们的太少。但其实每个人内心都知道时间是最公平的,它对于每个人,给予的都是完全一样的标准,为什么有的人可以从容地生活,并且有着不俗的成就呢?也许是因为,他们没有把时间当作下属或是敌人,而是把时间当做朋友。这期节目要向大家推荐的,是一本与以往常见的时间管理和个人管理完全不同的书,我在阅读时就不住地感慨:如果我在读大学时能读到这本书,那么也许自己现在的生活,会是另外一个样子。本期狗熊月读:李笑来的《把时间当做朋友》。 We regard time as a resource or enemy, but we are wrong. You can’t manage time, you can only manage yourself. And you have to make friend with time, if you want to use it well. How to make friend with time? 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。

 204期:生活·我出柜了!- I’m getting out of the box | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:34:54

嗯,在这期节目里,我宣布了一个大消息:大狗熊出柜了!出柜是什么意思?听听节目你就知道了。 Hey, I got out of the closet in this episode. Wow! But, is it what you’re thinking about? Listen, and you will know. 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 203期:月读·83年前的诗和远方 – Lost Horizon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:36:12

“生活不只是眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方”,其实诗和远方一直是大家心中憧憬的东西,只是以往不是这样表达而已。早在83年前,一位作家就已经创作出了一个让无数的旅行者魂牵梦绕的诗和远方:香格里拉。本期狗熊月读,我们来聊聊英国作家詹姆斯·希尔顿那部脍炙人口的小说:《消失的地平线》(Lost Horizon)。 Everybody has a dream of run away to a peaceful place, without fight, stuggle and distruction, that’s Shangri-la, a paradise far far away. Let’s talk about Shangri-la, and the original of the story, Novel: Lost Horizon. 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。

 202期:学习·如何写好专业英文邮件? – How to write professional English emails | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:46:40

写英文邮件的能力,比起看美剧、读原著和英文聊天之类的能力要重要多了,但这却又是特别难提高的英文能力之一。我在前两个月上了一门收费的网络课程,叫做Writing Professional Emails in English,感觉收获还蛮多的。今天这期节目我想分享这门课程的一些精华,对于很多人来说这也是必备而又实用的技巧:如何用英文来写专业邮件。 Writing English emails is a powerful skills for us, but it is really hard to improve. I took a paid lesson named Writing Professional Emails in English, and it tought me a lot of useful tips. So, I would like to share them to you in this episode. 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 201期:月读·骨头汤里熬出的伟大商业模式 – The Story of Free | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:33:25

19世纪晚期纽约的一个木匠,把他老婆从骨头汤里熬出的明胶,添上了色彩和味道,取名为“果冻”。这种在一开始没有任何人知道的“另类”食品,是如何成为行销全球的百年畅销商品的? 我们越来越习惯不用付费就在网上获得某样商品,甚至在线下也习惯了这种模式。而“免费”本身又似乎是一个悖论:不收费的商家却往往可以赚很多钱,“免费”的策略足以创造出一个不亚于一个国家经济总量的庞大产业,但在这个产业中商品的售价却是零。这到底是怎么出现的?以后这种模式又会如何发展呢?这就是《长尾理论》一书的作者,连线杂志的前主编克里斯·安德森的著作《免费》想要探讨的核心话题。本期狗熊月读:克里斯·安德森的《免费:商业的未来》。 How did free become the most popular commercial mode all over the world? Let’s follow Chris Anderson and find the story of free, and the truth behind it. 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。

 200期:精彩的世界才刚刚开始 – The whole new world is waiting for us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:05:36

这是《狗熊有话说》的第200期节目,谢谢所有支持和关心的朋友们。很多朋友给我留言,希望这个节目可以一直办下去,请大家放心,我想说的话还很多,对于我们每个人来说,每一天睁开眼时,都是一个全新的精彩世界。我们的精彩世界,才刚刚开始! 本期节目为“听你说,真心话,大冒险”的三部曲式互动,以回顾大家的留言和问题为主,请选择性收听。 This is the 200 episode of BearTalk Podcast, I thank everyone who supports and cares about the show, thank you! A lot of friends leave the message to notice me continue producing new episode, I say don’t worry, I have a lot of things to say, a lot of stories to tell. There is a whole new world waiting for us. Let’s go together! 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.

 199期:月读·牧童如何打败巨人?- How did David beat Goliath | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:24:54

这些年来,我们一直以错误的方式讲述以弱胜强的故事。《逆转》这本书就是为了把偏见纠正过来。书里所有的故事背后,我们都可以看到大卫和哥利亚这个故事的原型。巨人和牧童处在以拉山谷时,你眼里只有那个穿着闪闪铠甲、拿着剑和盾牌的巨人。但是在这个世界上,有许多的美丽和价值都源自那个牧童,他拥有我们想象不到的意识和力量。你想做大卫,还是哥利亚呢? We like the story of David and Goliath, but there are something behind the story, and they are really valuable and interesting. The sheperd boy was not the underdog, in fact he is really powerful. How? Let’s talk about the story of David and Goliath again. 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。

 198期:岁念·我觉得自己还挺有话想说 – I have got a lot to talk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:32

向愚人节遭遇狗熊欺骗的朋友们说声对不起,近期除非遭遇严重的不可抗力(比如外星人来袭、世界末日之类)狗熊挂了,不然大狗熊的播客《狗熊有话说》还会一直做下去。同其他定位清晰明确的播客节目不同,大狗熊的节目既不是纯科技,也不全是旅行,当然同样不是彻底的阅读与文化类节目,这就像是我生命过程中的一本随时在写的书,只要我的生活本身还充满好奇,有新鲜感和吸引力,那么大狗熊还会一直有话想说,希望你也一直愿意听。 I have to apologize to my friends who were tricked on April 1st. I won’t stop my podcast in the near future, unless I’m kidnapped by alien or get trapped in the rain forest. My podcast doesn’t belong to any category, so I will always have something to say as long as I’m thrilled by life. And I hope you will always be my side. PS. 本期封面和内容有一点点关系,你能猜得到么? 噢对了,这期节目里的音乐: Neil Young – When I Watch You Sleeping (Solo) OBEY CITY – Quantum Phase Glee Cast – Forever Young (Glee Cast Version) 节目里提到的三月我读的书: 岛上书店 皮囊 消失的地平线 我坚信 认知盈余:自由时间的力量 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.


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