Mandarin show


Summary: Extensive coverage of news, current affairs and sports through our network of correspondents in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and around Australia.

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 Xiaochun offers tips for getting a better night's sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We spend about one third of our lives sleeping. Theres no other activity we engage in more, and its as critical to our health as food and water. But how can we get a better sleep? Xiaochun share her tips of relaxation before sleep. (睡不着您还数羊吗?专家说这一招其实是英语国家的舶来品,在英语里羊sheep的发音和睡sleep相近,有暗示的作用,但是对华人却不一定管用。欢迎收听小纯介绍快速入睡的靠谱窍门。)

 Melbourne's Graffiti Artists | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Beijing is famous for its hutong whereas Melbourne has great street art. SBS Mandarin tell you works of Melbourne's graffiti artists. (北京的胡同,上海的弄堂,墨尔本的小巷。北京的胡同里有街坊,上海的弄堂里有生活,墨尔本的小巷里有天马行空的涂鸦。涂鸦早已从不入大雅之堂的、叛逆的地下文化,转变成城市的个性风景线。)

 Happy Weekend with Sisi Wang: Tourism is a business of 'heart' work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Grew up in northern China, Sissi Wang finished her bachelors degree in Greece and her masters in Australia. Even though she has left home for more than 10 years, she still holds dear to her heart her mothers teachings. She applies her mums hardwor... (在维州旅游局担任大中华区经理的王莹淇Sissi说,四年前进入旅游局是她梦想成真。她说,妈妈是位出色的老师。当年妈妈读师范大学的时候记住了老师的话:爱自己的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是神, 她把这话传给了王莹淇。王莹淇没有当老师而是做了旅游,但妈妈的话让她懂得了该如何对待工作如何对待客户,她说其实做旅游是份需要用心去跟别人交流的工作。欢迎收听欢乐空间Sissi跟刘江分享她的故事。)

 SBS Radio Mandarin Friday Forum: Dear Mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mother's Day is this Sunday, when is often the best chance to express gratitude and love to Moms. Let's talk about different consumer ideas, lifestyles and so on in this Friday Forum. (一年一度的母亲节将在这个星期天温馨降临。 母亲节常常是表达感谢与爱的最好机会,这个母亲节,我们和大家一起说说母亲和我们那些风格迥异的消费观念,那些南辕北辙的生活方式,那些由此产生的令人莞尔的口角…… 文化苦丁茶本周特别节目:以有意思的回忆致亲爱的妈妈。)

 20170512 Weekend Events | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

May Hu outlines weekend events in Sydney, Melbourne and other cities around Australia in the coming two weeks of May. Events in Sydney include Fashion Week, Head On Photo Festival, Sydney Writers Festival, International Festival of Language and C... (胡玫介绍5月中下旬悉尼、墨尔本及澳大利亚其他地区的好去处。包括从母亲节开始在悉尼举办的时装周,5月下旬的悉尼作家节,美籍华人作家哈金将出席本届的悉尼作家节。本周末在墨尔本会展中心的国际语言文化节,位于维州Ballarat澳大利亚Eureka民主博物馆的华人财富展览,以及昆士兰和北领地的娱乐休闲活动。悉尼市区为首次购房者开班,请专业人士讲解首次购房的手续、谈判技巧和市场解读。  )

 The Le Cordon Bleu’s learning experience has made me successful | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

After graduated from the University of Sydney , Stella moved to the The Le Cordon Bleu Sydney to learn baking courses.   Interview with Stella to talk about why did she choose to start a baking business. (作为世界上最大也是最顶级厨艺学校之一的巴黎蓝带厨艺学院,在五大洲有50所分校、学院,在我们澳大利亚的悉尼、墨尔本和阿德雷德都设有分校。 一年多前,刚从悉尼大学会计专业毕业的STELLA就毅然决然地放弃了自己的所学专业,选择前往蓝带位于悉尼的校区,学上了和之前专业浑身不沾边儿的烘焙专业。在这所日常教学由不少米其林星级餐厅顶级厨师任教的学校里,STELLA 不仅仅学到了烘焙技艺,更是通过严苛的训练磨砺出了如今严谨、谦逊的个性,并成功创业。那么,在蓝带学习是一种怎样的体验呢?蓝带出来的烘焙师会经历怎样的考验?  )

 Helen Qin: How to deal with postpartum depression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Helen Qin from Sydney Women's Counselling Centre talked about the symptoms and treatment of postpartum depression. (悉尼女性心理咨询中心的心理咨询师秦虹Helen Qin跟我们说说女性孕期和产后可能发生的焦虑或忧郁症。有意思的是,她说新生儿的爸爸也有可能发生这种现象  )

 Ma Yan: From international student to Australia's national park ranger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

National park ranger is not a usual occupation for an international student from China. How did Ma Yan become one? What challenges did he face? (澳大利亚自然资源丰富,有许多国家公园。可是公园工作人员却鲜有华人的身影。听马炎说说他是怎样从一名中国来的小留学生,成为澳洲国家公园的守护人。)

 457 petition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

457 petition (据报道,澳洲华人成立457维权联盟,希望能维护受到最近宣布的457签证政策改动影响的人士的权益。 澳洲华人457维权联盟组委会联系媒体,通过他们将于本周六上午10点30分组织集会,共同商讨情愿事宜,并现场征集签名,希望广大受到政策影响的457签证申请人及持有人积极参加,联合起来维护自身权益。 本台记者谢欣采访了澳洲华人457维权联盟组委会的成员和此次活动的发起人之一。他谈到了谁是此次政策影响的核心受害者,以及希望通过活动达到的目的。 他透露悉尼组委会正在积极收集签名,预计悉尼地区将有三、四千人签名,并计划将活动扩散到澳大利亚其他地区。 据《今日悉尼》报道,这次请愿书在澳大利亚文化商贸总会会长胡印夏先生的引荐下,已经递交给新南威尔士上议员,反对党领袖影子助理厅长,新州上议员副议长王国忠先生。 (由于编辑规定,SBS无法对签名活动的细则予以公告,详情请查阅相关媒体报道)  )

 Can we achieve success in Australia without English? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do we need to pass an English test as a compulsory requirement to become an Australian citizen? Is IELTS 6 overall way too difficult? (政府宣布在公民入籍考试中加入英语语言测试,而通过测试的标准可能相当于雅思考试4个6的成绩。于是,成为澳大利亚人应不应该考英语,需不需要考这种难度的英语,不因引发民众热议,也成为政客们辩论的焦点话题。)

 Can we achieve success in Australia without English? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do we need to pass an English test as a compulsory requirement to become an Australian citizen? Is IELTS 6 overall way too difficult? (政府宣布在公民入籍考试中加入英语语言测试,而通过测试的标准可能相当于雅思考试4个6的成绩。于是,成为澳大利亚人应不应该考英语,需不需要考这种难度的英语,不因引发民众热议,也成为政客们辩论的焦点话题。)

 Hypertension Advice from Dietitian Yangyang | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Research shows four million Australians are at risk of heart attack because of high or untreated blood pressure, and city dwellers are the worse culprits.Michelle Chen interviewed dietitian Yangyang Lu, She provides us some advices to prevent gett... (高血压被成为安静的杀手,是导致更多澳大利亚人死亡的单一因素。 研究显示,有四百万澳大利亚人由于高血压和都市生活,可能会导致患心脏病或者中风。全澳大利利亚有三分之一的人口都患有高血压,而将近一般的患病人口并没有计划来管理他们的病情,四分之一的高血压患者并没有治疗或者治疗不恰当。)

 Housing affordability still prominent issue in Budget | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Treasurer Scott Morrison has hinted housing affordability will be a key part of next week's (may 9) Budget policy. The Government is believed to be thinking of letting first-home buyers use their pre-tax income to save for a deposit, r... (2017年的联邦财政预算案将于下周二公布,联邦国库部长莫里森暗示说,住房负担力将是下周预算案将会触及的一个重要议题。据信,政府正在考虑让首次置业的买房者储蓄税前收入用于买房,而之前一些人提出的允许首次置业人士用退休公积金来付房子首付的计划则不被看好。请听记者吴音的报道。)

 Government reveals new parental visas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

SBS has obtained information about a new government visa program that will allow people to pay tens of thousands of dollars for their migrant parents to come to Australia.   In the Turnbull Government's latest immigration shakeup, ... (本台得到的独家消息称,政府准备推出一类新的父母签证,让澳洲公民或永久居民的父母、尤其是已退休的父母,在访问子女时,可以多次访问在澳大利亚的家人。新签证的有效期将长达10年,但签证费也非常高昂,而且子女在帮父母申请签证时,必须要自掏腰包,对来访父母的健康保险作出安排。请听记者吴音的报道。  )

 Greens largely backing Coalition school-funding plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As Labor continues its attack on the Turnbull Government's proposed school-funding changes, the Coalition has found an unlikely ally. The Greens say they largely support the changes, which would reduce funding for some wealthy private... (特恩布尔政府本周公布了重大的学校拨款改革计划,将联邦教育拨款由 2017 年的 175 亿元增至 2027 年的 306 亿元,增幅达 75 %。这个计划受到了工党的批评和攻击,却受到了绿党的支持。这个计划也引起了教会学校的不满,因为包括教会学校在内,部分私校的拨款会受到削减,请听记者吴音的报道。 )


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