KoreanClass101.com show


Summary: At KoreanClass101.com, our goal is to make learning the Korean language easy and fun, while also incorporating culture and current issues into our lessons. We believe that the more you speak, the quicker you learn, so we have designed our program to get you speaking right away. Situational Korean is heavily stressed, and our team role plays various situations to demonstrate the proper form of Korean to use when speaking with friends, customers, executives, and so-on. Knowing the proper form to use separates good speakers from great speakers. KoreanClass101.com was developed with the hope of showing the world how fun and easy learning Korean can be. Here at KoreanClass101.com, we truly believe that learning can be fun, while at the same time convenient. We know how busy you are and that each day brings unexpected surprises. That is exactly why we bring the lessons to you and let you decide when they start. Our innovative, fun, and easy to use language learning system is designed to get you speaking and interacting from the very first lesson. Learn Korean at your own convenience and pace with short, effective, fun daily lessons and a comprehensive, state-of-the-art Learning Center that provides you with the tools to take your Korean to the next level! Our interactive learning system consists of free daily audio podcast lessons, accompanying PDF materials, a Premium Learning Center, and a vibrant user community.

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 Beginner Lesson S3 #18 - Here Comes the Best Korean Lesson Among Them All! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:58

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Korean---- (1)명수: 안녕하세요. 미연 씨. 배 고프죠? 빨리 밥 먹으러 가요. 미연 씨는 무슨 음식을 가장 좋아해요? (2)미연: 피자요! 피자를 제일 좋아해요. (3)명수: 그래요? 좋아요. 그럼 갑시다. (4)명수: (피자집에서) 우와... 피자 종류가 너무 많아요. 이 중에서 제일 맛있는 피자가 뭐예요? (5)미연: 이거요. 이게 가장 맛있어요. 제가 피자 중에서 제일 좋아하는 거예요. (6)명수: 그래요? 어? 그런데 가격이... 왜 이렇게 비싸요? 저기요! 이 중에서 제일 싼 피자 주세요! Click here to listen to the entire dialog. ----English---- (1)Myeongsu: Hello, Miyeon. You’re hungry, right? Let's go eat. What's your favorite food? (2)Miyeon: Pizza! I like pizza the best. (3)Myeongsu: Yea? Good. Let's go. (4)Myeongsu: Wow... there's so many different kinds of pizza. What’s the most delicious one out of these? (5)Miyeon: This one. This is the most delicious one. I like this one the most of all pizzas. (6)Myeongsu: Yeah? Hey? But it costs... why is it so expensive? Excuse me! Can you give us the cheapest one of these? ----Informal ---- (1)명수: 안녕하세요. 미연 씨. 배 고프죠? 빨리 밥 먹으러 가요. 미연 씨는 무슨 음식을 가장 좋아해요? (2)미연: 피자요! 피자를 제일 좋아해요. (3)명수: 그래요? 좋아요. 그럼 갑시다. (4)명수: (피자집에서) 우와... 피자 종류가 너무 많아요. 이 중에서 제일 맛있는 피자가 뭐예요? (5)미연: 이거요. 이게 가장 맛있어요. 제가 피자 중에서 제일 좋아하는 거예요. (6)명수: 그래요? 어? 그런데 가격이... 왜 이렇게 비싸요? 저기요! 이 중에서 제일 싼 피자 주세요! ----Romanization---- (1)Myeongsu: annyeonghaseyo. miyeon-ssi. bae gopeujyo? ppalli bap meogeureo gayo. miyeon ssi-neun museun eumsik-eul gajang joahaeyo? (2)Miyeon: pijayo! pija-reul jeil joahaeyo. (3)Myeongsu: geuraeyo? joayo. geureom gapsida. (4)Myeongsu: uwa... pija jongryu-ga neomu manayo. i jung-eseo jeil masitneun pija-ga mwo-yeyo? (5)Miyeon: igeo-yo. ige gajang massisseoyo. je-ga pija jung-eseo jeil joahaneun geo-yeyo. (6)Myeonsu: geureyo? eo? geureonde gagyeok-i... wae ireoke bissayo? jeogiyo! i jung-eseo jeil ssan pija juseyo! --------------------------- Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog S7 #5 - Gyeongsangdo Korean: Pronunciation Rules for Double Consonants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:47

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Korean---- 경상도 사투리의 자음 발음 변화 현상 여러분 안녕하세요. KoreanClass101.com 의 금효민입니다. 이번 시간에는 경상도 사투리에 자주 나타나는 발음 변화 현상에 대해서 알아볼거에요. 먼저 쌍시옷 발음이 경상도사투리에서 어떻게 바뀌는지 살펴볼겁니다. 한국인의 주식인 ‘쌀’을 표준한국어에서는 ‘쌀'이라고 발음하죠? 하지만 경상도에 가면 조금 다른 발음으로 부릅니다. 표준 한국어에서는 쌀, 경상도 사투리에서는 ‘살’이라고 하는거죠. 쌍시옷 발음이 경상도 사투리에서는 일반 시옷으로 발음됩니다. “쌀”을 “살”로 발음하는 것 처럼요. 그리고 경상도사투리에서는 “의사” 의 “의”같이 “의" 발음 역시 바뀝니다. 그래서 '의사선생님'를 '으사샘'으로 발음합니다. 한가지 더! “살 수 없다”라는 의미의 ‘못 산다'라는 표현이 있죠. 하지만 이 표현 역시 경상도 사투리에서는 다르게 표현됩니다. 바로 ‘몬산다'라고 이야기합니다. 단어 ‘못'의 받침은 시옷이구요, 이 발음이 뒤에 있는 발음 ‘사’와 만나서 시옷이 두 번 이어서 나왔죠? 이 때, 경상도 사투리에서는 발음을 부드럽게 하려고 “못산다” 대신에 “몬산다” 라고 발음합니다. ”몬산다! 내 약속있다.” 라고 이야기할 수 있죠. 여기서 알 수 있듯이 경상도 사투리의 특징 중의 하나는 발음하기 쉬운 방향으로 발달을 했다는 겁니다. 발음을 직접 해보면 알겠지만, 쌀보다는 살이 발음하기 편하고, 의사 선생님 보다는 의사쌤이 편하지 않나요? 못산다도 마찬가지 입니다. “못산다” 대신에 “몬산다”라고 발음하면 더 편하듯이요. 자, 그럼 다음 문장을 듣고 무슨 뜻인지 맞춰보세요. ”쌀(살)을 안무뜨니 살이 빠짔다” 무슨 뜻일까요? 정답은 “쌀을 안먹었더니 살이 빠졌어” 입니다. 첫번째 단어 “살”은, “밥"이라는 의미의 단어 "쌀”이고, 두번째 단어 “살”은 몸에 있는 지방과 같은 “살”을 의미합니다. 발음이 비슷해서 조금 헷갈리셨나요? 그럼 질문 한 번 더! “이 쌀(살)이 저 쌀(살)보다 비싸쟤?” 무슨 의미일까요? 정답은, “이 쌀이 저 쌀보다 더 비싸지?”입니다. 이번에는 둘 다 “먹는 쌀”을 말한 것이었답니다. 자, 그럼 다음 시간에 만나요! ----English---- Pronunciation Rules for Consonants in Gyeongsangdo Korean Hello, everyone. This is Hyomin from Koreanclass101.com. In this blog, we are going to talk about the pronunciation changes happening quite often in the Gyeongsangdo dialect. In particular, we are going to pay more attention to how the letter "ssangshiot" is getting changed in pronunciation. In standard Korean, the main meal for Koreans, "rice," is called "rice," "ssal." However, in Gyeongsangdo, it is a bit different. In standard Korean, it's "rice," "ssal," and in the Gyeongsangdo dialect, "rice" is "sal." The letter "ssangshiot" is pronounced as simply "shiot" instead, just like the rice. "Ssal" becomes "sal." Also, the word "doctor," "euisa," is one of the hard words that Gyeongsangdo locals would pronounce. They pronounce it as "the doctor," "eusa," instead of "the doctor," "euisa." One more! When you say "I cannot take this anymore," in standard Korean it is "I cannot take this anymore," "mot sanda." In the Gyeongsangdo dialect? It is pronounced as "I cannot take this anymore," "mon sanda." Do you see the double "shiot" in the alphabet? That is changed to one "shiot" with "digeut," which has a softer sound on "batchim." For an example, you can say, "I cannot take this anymore! I have a plan for myself," "Monsanda! nae yakseokitta." As you can imagine from this sentence, one of the characteristics of the Gyeongsangdo dialect is that the pronunciation had been converted to an easier way to speak from standard Korean. As you could tell right away by pronouncing "rice," "sal" is easier to pronounce than "rice," "ssal," and also "the doctor," "eusa sunsaengnim," than "the doctor," "euisa sungsangnim." It is also the same for "I cannot take this anymore," "motssanda," as well. If you pronounce it as "I cannot take this anymore," monsanda," over "I cannot take this anymore," "motssanda," it may be easier and a lot more natural. Okay, guess what this sentence would perhaps mean! "I did not eat the rice and I lost weight," "Sareul anmutteuni sari ppajitda." Can you guess what that means? The answer is "I did not eat rice and I lost weight." First, "sal" means "rice," and another "sal" "the fat," and the second one does not change the pronunciation at all. Did that confuse you a bit? Then here's another question! "Why is this rice more expensive than that rice?" "I sari jeo salboda bissaji?" Can you guess what that means? The answer is, "Why is this rice more expensive than that rice?" This time, both "sal" me [...]

 Learn Korean in Three Minutes #4 - Do you speak English? | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:39

Learn useful Korean phrases with our Korean in Three Minutes series! In Korea, manners are important, and this step-by-step video teaches you some of the basics you need to be polite while speaking Korean. A native Korean teacher will explain the simple phrases necessary.In this lesson, you'll learn how to use the phrase "Do you speak English?" Visit us at KoreanClass101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Korean lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Upper Intermediate #2 - The Grass is Always Greener in Korea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:32

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Korean---- (바에서) 김팀장: 여기 물 괜찮네. 술도 괜찮고. 소개해줘서 고마워. 이대리: 별 말씀을요. 그런데 팀장님 저번 달에 산 주식 잘 돼가세요? 요즘 주가도 많이 떨어진다고 하던데. 김팀장: 다행히 조금 오르긴 했어. 수익률 10% 정도? 그런데 그냥 팔아버리려고. 이대리: 왜요? 그런 높은 수익률.. 돈 없는 저한테는 그림의 떡인데.. 그나마 있는 제 주식은 다 떨어졌어요. 김팀장: 그렇긴 한데, 내 친구들 보니까 에너지 관련주를 샀는데 수익율이 짭짤하게 나오는 것 같더라구. 이대리: 좋긴 하지만.. 남의 떡이 커보이잖아요. 조금 성급하신 건 아닐까요? 김팀장: 그런가? 뭐.. 누워서 떡먹기처럼 돈이 알아서 굴러들어오진 않겠지만. 이대리: 뭐 잘 돼서 저한테도 떡고물 좀 떨어지면 좋겠지만, 다시 한 번 잘 생각해보세요. ----English---- (drinking at a bar) Kim: This place looks good (This bar's water is good). Nice drinks too. Thank you for introducing this place. Lee: It's no problem. Well then, how is your stock going that you bought last month? I was told that many stock prices have fallen these days. Kim: Luckily, some increased. Earning rates are about ten percent? But I'm thinking of selling them out. Lee: Why? With earning rates that high? For poor guys like me, that's like a pie in the sky (like a rice cake on paintings). All my stocks have dropped. Kim: I know, but some friends said they bought stocks related to the energy industry, and it seems like they are getting higher profits. Lee: That sounds good, but always what others have seems better than yours (The grass always looks greener on the other side/others' rice cakes look bigger than yours). Don't you think you're being a little bit impatient? Kim: Am I? Well, I know it won't be as easy as expected (not easy as eating rice cake on the bed). Lee: It will be great if it goes well and I get a benefit (get bean flour for rice cakes) too, but I hope you'll think about it again. ----Romanization---- (baeseo) gimtimjang: yeogi mul gwaenchanne. suldo gwaenchanko. sogaehaejwoseo gomawo. idaeri: byeol malsseumeuryo. geureonde timjangnim jeobeon dare san jusik jal dwaegaseyo? yojeum jugado mani tteoreojindago hadeonde. gimtimjang: dahaenghi jogeum oreugin haeseo. suingnyul 10% jeongdo? geureonde geunyang parabeoriryeogo. idaeri: waeyo? geureon nopeun suingnyul.. don eomneun jeohanteneun geurimui tteoginde.. geunama inneun je jusigeun da ddeoleojeotsseoyo.. gimtimjang: geureokin hande, nae chingudeul bonikka eneoji gwallyeonjureul sanneunde suigyuri jjapjjalhage naoneun geot gatdeoragu. idaeri: jokin hajiman.. namui tteogi keoboijanayo. jogeum seonggeupasin geon anilkkayo? gimtimjang: geureonga? mwo.. nuwoseo tteongmeokgicheoreom doni araseo gulleodeureoojin anketjiman. idaeri: mwo jal dwaeseo jeohantedo tteokgomul jom ddeoleojimyeon joketjiman, dasi han beon jal saenggakhaeboseyo. --------------------------- Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources!

 Advanced Audio Blog S7 #4 - Gyeongsangdo Korean: Saying “Yours” and “Mine” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:00

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Korean---- 경상도 사투리로 '니 것'과 '내 것'에 대해서 말하기 여러분 안녕하세요. KoreanClass101.com의 금효민입니다. 지난 시간에는 경상도 사투리로 '나'와 '너'에 대해서 이야기하는 법을 알아봤었죠? 이번 시간에는 지난 시간에 알아둔 내용들을 바탕으로 경상도 사투리에서 소유격을 표현하는 법을 살펴볼거에요. 경상도 사투리로 “너의 것”, “나의 것”은 어떻게 표현하는지 알아보겠습니다. 표준 한국어에서는 "내 것이다" 라고 말할때 “내꺼잖아” 혹은 “내거야.”라고 이야기하죠. 하지만 표준한국어와는 다르게 경상도 사투리에서는 ‘내끼잖아', ‘내끼야’라고 합니다. 예를 들자면 친구가 나의 립스틱을 사용하려할 때, ‘그 립스틱 내꺼잖아.’라는 말 대신, 경상도 사투리에서는 발음할 때는 ‘내끼잖아' 의 두번째 발음인 '끼'를 길게 발음 해 줍니다. “내 끼-이 자나” 라고 말이죠. 참고로 “루즈”는 립스틱을 의미하는 말로 외래어 입니다. 불어의 빨강을 의미하는 ‘루즈'라는 단어에서 온 외래어인데요, 나이가 많은 사람들은 지금도 많이 사용한답니다. 그럼 다음으로 “너의 것"이라는 표현에 대해서 알아볼까요? 경상도 사투리로 “너의 것"이라는 말은 ‘니꺼’라고 표현합니다. “니끼”라고 하기도 합니다. 즉, “내끼”는 1인칭, “니꺼”는 2인칭인거죠. 그럼 그 사람, 저 사람과 같은 3인칭은 어떻게 표현할까요? 그럴 때는 “쟤꺼” 또는 “쟈꺼”라고 이야기하면 됩니다. 여기서 ‘쟤’는 '저 애', 즉 저 아이라는 뜻의 단어에요. 하지만 보통 “저 사람”과 같은 의미로 사용됩니다. 친구가 립스틱, 루즈를 빌려달라고 했을 때, 대답을 해야할 경우 표준어로는 ‘싫어. 니 것은 어떻게 했어?’ 라고 이야기할 수 있죠? 이 때 경상도 사투리에서는 이렇게 이야기합니다. ‘은다! 니꺼 우쨌노?’. 여기서 경상도 사투리 ‘은다’는 “싫어"라는 의미입니다. 자, 그럼 이 표현은 어떤 의미일까요? ‘이기 내끼가, 니끼가?’ 정답은! “이게 내꺼야, 너꺼야?” 입니다. 오늘은 한번 여러분 주변에 있는 여러가지 물건을 이용해서 경상도 사투리로 “내끼", “니끼"를 사용해보세요. 누구건지 잘 모를 때에는 ‘누끼고’ 라고 물어보시구요! 그럼 다음 시간에 만나요. ----English---- Saying "Yours" and "Mine" in Gyeongsangdo Korean Hello, everyone. This is Hyomin from Koreanclass101.com. In the previous blog, we talked about how to say "I," "na," and "you," "neo." In this blog, we are going to see how to express the possessives in the Gyeongsangdo dialect. In the Gyeongsangdo dialect, we are going to talk about how to say "yours" and "mine." In standard Korean, "it's mine" is "it's mine," "Naekkeojana, naegeoya." However, different from standard Korean, it is "it's mine," "Naekkijana, naekkiya." For example, when a friend is trying to use my lipstick, then you could say that "that lipstick is mine," "Geu ripseutik naekkeojana." On the other hand, in the Gyeongsangdo dialect, it would be "Hey! That lipstick is mine!" "Ya! Geu rujeu naekkijana!" When you pronounce it, pronounce "kki" long from "that's mine," "naekkijana," like "nae kki-i jiana." For reference, "rouge," "reujeu," is a foreign word meaning "lipstick." This foreign word "rouge," "reujeu," is from French, and it's still used among the old generation. Then, to the next, let's talk about "yours," "nikkeo," instead of "mine," "naekkeo." In the Gyeongsangdo dialect, "yours," "neoggeot," would become "yours," "nikkeo," or "yours," "nikki," as well. "Mine," "naekki," indicates the first person; "yours," nikkeo," the second. Then, how about the third person, such as "the man's," "geu saram," or "that man's" "jeo saram?" It's "the man's," "jaekkeo," and "that man's," "jyakkeo." Here, the meaning of "the," "jae," means "the man," "jeo ai," which could be equally used for "that man," "jeo saram," as well. So, when your friend is asking you to lend her the lipstick, you could perhaps say, "No, I don't want to. What did you do with yours?" "Sireo. neo geoseun eotteoke haesseo?" in standard Korean. However, with the Gyeongsangdo dialect, it would be "No, I don't want to. What did you do with yours?" "Eunda! nikkeo ujjaetno?" Then, can you guess what this sentence means? "Is this mine or yours?" "Igi naekkiga, nikkiga?" The answer is, "Is this mine or yours?" "Ige naekkeoya, nekkeoya?" Why not practice what we have learned today, these possessive expressions, using what's around you? When you're not sure whose it is, then you could ask "Who's is it?" "Nukkigo?)" Then, I will see you next time. --------------------------- Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! [...]

 Survival Phrases #9 - Can You Say it Again? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:57

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Korean---- 한번 더 말씀해 주세요. 천천히 말씀해 주세요. 예? ----English---- Can you say it again, please? Speak slowly, please. What? or Eh? ----Romanization---- hanbeon deo malsseumhae juseyo. cheoncheonhi malsseumhae juseo ye? --------------------------- Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources!

 Hana Hana Hangul #19 - Hangul Double Vowels 3 | File Type: video/x-m4v | Duration: 3:06

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101.com! Welcome to KoreanClass101.com's Hana Hana Hangul series. In this video series of twenty lessons, you will learn the Korean alphabet, known as Hangul. We will teach you Hangul using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Korean words. If you want to get started reading and writing Korean, this is THE place to start. You'll learn Korean in mere minutes with these audio and video lessons, so join us for Hana Hana Hangul from KoreanClass101.com! In this lesson, we'll teach you more about Hangul double vowels. Are you ready to learn more Korean characters and words? Visit us at KoreanClass101.com, where you will find Korean lesson notes and many more fantastic lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you are there!

 Beginner S3 #24 - The Spoiled Brat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:55

Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Korean---- (1)엄마: 병호야. 과일 먹자. (2)병호: 엄마! 텔레비전 안 보이잖아요. 옆으로 비켜요. (3)엄마: 어.어. 그래. 알았어. 과일 먹자. 응? (4)병호: 지금 텔레비전 보잖아요. 나중에 먹을게요. (5)엄마: 그래... (6)병호: 엄마, 저기 파리!! 파리 좀 잡아 주세요. (7)엄마: 어? 어디? 그래! 안 잡혀... (8)병호: 엄마! 텔레비전 안 보여요! (9)엄마: 뭐? 텔레비전이 엄마보다 중요해? Click here to listen to the entire dialog. ----English---- (1)Mom: Byeongho, Let's eat some fruits. (2)Byongho: Mom! I can't see the TV. Move to the side please. (3)Mom: Oh... Ok, ok. Let's eat this fruit, ok? (4)Byeongho: I am watching TV. I will eat later. (5)Mom: Ok... (6)Byeongho: Mom, there... a fly!!! Please catch it!! (7)Mom: Huh? Where? Ok! I can't.... (8)Byeongho: Mom! I can't see the TV!! (9)Mom: what? Is TV more important than I am?!!! ----Informal ---- 엄마: 병호야. 과일 먹자. 병호: 엄마! 텔레비전 안 보이잖아요. 옆으로 비켜요. 엄마: 어.어. 그래. 알았어. 과일 먹자. 응? 병호: 지금 텔레비전 보잖아요. 나중에 먹을게요. 엄마: 그래... 병호: 엄마, 저기 파리!! 파리 좀 잡아 주세요. 엄마: 어? 어디? 그래! (끙끙) 안 잡혀... 병호: 엄마! 텔레비전 안 보여요! 엄마: 뭐? (한숨) 텔레비전이 엄마보다 중요해? (텔레비전 부수는 소리) ----Romanization---- (1)Eomma: Byeongho-ya. gwail meokja. (2)Byongho: eomma! telebiseon an boijanayo. yeop-euro bikyeoyo. (3)Eomma: eo. eo. geurae. arasseo. gwail meokja. eung? (4)Byeongho: jigeum tellebijeon bojanayo. najung-e meogeulgeyo. (5)Eomma: geurae... (6)Byeongho: eomma, jeogi pari!! pari jom jaba juseyo. (7)Eomma: eo? eodi? geurae! an japhyeo... (8)Byeongho: eomma! tellebijeon an boyeoyo! (9)Eomma: mwo? tellebijeon-i eomma-boda jungyohae? --------------------------- Learn Korean with KoreanClass101! Don't forget to stop by KoreanClass101.com for more great Korean Language Learning Resources!


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