耶稣的圣经(讲道及诗歌)/传道书, 希伯来书, 如和为神而工作  等等(小敏诗歌,海顿,巴哈,维瓦尔第  等等的音乐伴奏)/以及/其他的。 show

耶稣的圣经(讲道及诗歌)/传道书, 希伯来书, 如和为神而工作 等等(小敏诗歌,海顿,巴哈,维瓦尔第 等等的音乐伴奏)/以及/其他的。

Summary: Liu's Broadcasting and Publishing:Broadcast and publish: In(普通話/英文) Chritianity/Catholic (基督教/天主教): Sermon/Book/Paper/Interview//ect.


 马可褔音(No.8)/长笛/伴奏(The Pan Flute in Renaissance and Baroque/Polish Hungarian Lute Music of the Renaissance/Mixed/ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3296

马可褔音(No.8)/长笛/伴奏(The Pan Flute in Renaissance and Baroque/Polish Hungarian Lute Music of the Renaissance/Mixed

 马可褔音(No.9)/魯特琴/伴奏((16 Century Venetian Lute Music/Mixed) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3614

马可褔音(No.9)/魯特琴/伴奏(16 Century Venetian Lute Music/Mixed)

 马可福音(No.10)/魯特琴/伴奏(Early Venetian Lute Music)/Mixed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3464

马可福音(No.10)/魯特琴/伴奏Early Venetian Lute Music)/Mixed

 马可福音(No.11)/Old Harp Irish Celtic English Classic Music/My Prayer Time, instrumental Prayer, Worship Music/Mixed/mp3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3593

马可福音(No.11)/Old Harp Irish Celtic English Classic Music/My Prayer Time, instrumental Prayer, Worship Music/Mixed/mp3

 马可福音(No.12)/魯特琴/伴奏(Robert Johnson Lute Works,Nigel) North/Mixed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3520

马可福音(No.12)/魯特琴/伴奏(Robert Johnson Lute Works,Nigel North)/Mixed/

 馬可褔音(No.13)/豎琴/伴奏Derek Bell, Ancient Music for the Irish Harp-Arpa Celta, Celtic Harp/Mixed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3557

馬可褔音(No.13)/豎琴/伴奏(Derek Bell, Ancient Music for the Irish Harp, Arpa Celta, Celtic Harp/Mixed

 馬可褔音(No.14/)/吉他/伴奏(The Spanish Guitar in the Renaissance and Baroque Moreno)/Mixed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3646

馬可褔音(No.14/)/吉他/伴奏(The Spanish Guitar in the Renaissance and Baroque Moreno)/Mixed

 馬可孤音(No.15)/盧特琴/伴奏(Luc Works for Lute_Stubbs Jacques de Saint)Mixed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3617

馬可孤音(No.15)/盧特琴/伴奏(Luc Works for Lute_Stubbs Jacques de Saint)Mixed

 馬可褔音(No.16)/豎琴, 長笛/伴奏(Luigi Boccherini Sonatas for Harp and Flute)/Mixed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3699

馬可褔音(No.16)/豎琴, 長笛/伴奏(Luigi Boccherini Sonatas for Harp and Flute/)Mixed

 传道书 (No.1)/Melchior Neusidler Lute Works, Paul O, Dette/Mixed 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1757

http://gospeofmark.podomatic.com/ (马可福音 mp3)

 传道书 (No.2)/Melchior Neusidler Lute Works, Paul O, Dette/Mixed 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1786

傳道書 1:1 在耶路撒冷作王、大卫的儿子、传道者的言语。 1:2 传道者说、虚空的虚空、虚空的虚空.凡事都是虚空。 1:3 人一切的劳碌、就是他在日光之下的劳碌、有甚么益处呢。 1:4 一代过去、一代又来.地却永远长存。 1:5 日头出来、日头落下、急归所出之地。 1:6 风往南刮、又向北转、不住的旋转、而且返回转行原道。 1:7 江河都往海里流、海却不满.江河从何处流、仍归还何处. 1:8 万事令人厌烦〔或作万物满有困乏〕人不能说尽.眼看、看不饱、耳听、听不足。 1:9 已有的事、后必再有.已行的事、后必再行.日光之下并无新事。 1:10 岂有一件事人能指着说、这是新的.那知、在我们以前的世代、早已有了。 1:11 已过的世代、无人记念、将来的世代、后来的人也不记念。 1:12 我传道者在耶路撒冷作过以色列的王。 1:13 我专心用智慧寻求查究天下所作的一切事、乃知 神叫世人所经练的、是极重的劳苦。 1:14 我见日光之下所作的一切事、都是虚空、都是捕风。 1:15 弯曲的不能变直.缺少的不能足数。 1:16 我心里议论、说、我得了大智慧、胜过我以前在耶路撒冷的众人.而且我心中多经历智慧、和知识的事。 1:17 我又专心察明智慧、狂妄、和愚昧.乃知这也是捕风。 1:18 因为多有智慧、就多有愁烦.加增知识的、就加增忧伤。

 传道书 (No.3)/Beautiful Piano Pieces from the Classical and Romantic Era/Mixed 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1886

属灵的人 (第一部份)(普通话)講章是mp3的形式, http://feed.podcastmachine.com/podcasts/10498/mp3.rss 属灵的人 (第二部份)(普通话)講章是mp3的形式 http://feed.podcastmachine.com/podcasts/10314/mp3.rss

 传道书 (No.4)/Beautiful Piano Pieces from the Classical and Romantic Era./Mixed 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1794

门徒训练Discipleship "Whenever we may be, God is with us, so we must be always be joyful." "St. Louise de Marillac" Lord may your abiding presence be a source of peace and joy to me and those I meet today.

 传道书 (No.5)/Gaspar Sanz, Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarra Espagnola/Mixed 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1831

门徒训练Discipleship ------------------ 不是讨人的喜悦, 不是讨自己的喜悦, 是要讨神的喜悦。 ------------------ 不斷的以爱的眼光来看鄰居的事和作为--他的行动是否有上百的面貌,经常不止息的看最好的一面。 "Continue to view the affairs and doings of the neighbor in a spirit of charity; should his actions have a hundred sides always look at the best." " 圣文生 St.vincent de Paul" 因为只有你能看透人门的出发点,天主, 只有你能审判他门的行为。 Because you along can read the motives of others, Lord, only you can judge their actions. 求你使我一直只注意我自己的罪和我一直需要蒙你的赦罪 Mad me ever mindful of my own sinfulness and need for forgiveness. ------------------

 传道书 (No.6)/Gaspar Sanz _Instruccion de Musica sobre la Guitarra Espagnola/Mixed 2 28:29 Tze-John Liu Tze-John Liu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1709

THOSE WHO HAVE THE MANAGEMENT OF ANYTHING ARE OBLIGED TO MANAGE IT WELL AND TO USE IT FAITHFULLY, BECAUSE IT BELONGS TO OUR GOD GOD. I will approach my work today with renewed energy, Lord, and make it a mater of conscience to carry it out reponsibly. So help me Lord.


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