GTR-005 - Can You Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?

Bradley Laird's Grass Talk Radio - Bluegrass show

Summary: <p><a href=""></a> Episode 005</p><br> <p><strong>Can You Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?</strong> - In this episode I respond to a question I got from listener. I compare learning at different stages of the process and offer food for thought on this topic that often stops people dead in their tracks. I  examine how we learn, how we train our subconscious mind through repetition, and discuss how (or if) it is possible to make changes at various stages of our musical lives. It's pretty eye opening to consider how many notes you'll play in your life!</p><br> <p>If you like this podcast please subscribe, rate and review and share it with your friends.</p><br> <p>The show notes for this episode are here: <a href=""></a></p><br> <p><em>GrassTalkRadio is a show for people who are learning to play bluegrass.</em></p>